The Pipekit CLI allows you to interact with Pipekit services without leaving your terminal.


To install the Pipekit CLI, fetch the precompiled binaries or packages from our releases page, or use the following install instructions, depending on your OS:

MacOS & Linux (Homebrew)

brew install pipekit/tap/cli

Windows (Scoop)

scoop bucket add pipekit
scoop install pipekit/cli

Release Notes

Release notes are published on the Pipekit Releases site.

Docker Container

We produce a Wolfi-based Docker image that contains the Pipekit CLI. To use it you can run a docker run command appended with the pipekit arguments you require. You can log in to pipekit non-interactively by providing the required environment variables:

docker run \
-e PIPEKIT_USERNAME=myusername \
-e PIPEKIT_PASSWORD=mypassword \
pipekit13/cli \
pipekit login && \
pipekit list clusters

The latest tag is always pinned to the latest released version of the Pipekit CLI. To find the a specific version, check the tags on Docker Hub.

Containers are available in linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 variants. Both use Wolfi Linux as the base image.

Or you can copy the binary into a container that you control. See "Used within another container" for an example.

Used within a Workflow

It would be more common to use the container within a workflow. An example of this is shown below:

kind: Workflow
  name: pipekit-cli
  entrypoint: main
  - name: main
        - name: pipekit-cli
          template: pipekit-cli
  - name: pipekit-cli
      - name: PIPEKIT_USERNAME
            name: pipekit-credentials
            key: username
      - name: PIPEKIT_PASSWORD
            name: pipekit-credentials
            key: password
      image: pipekit13/cli
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          pipekit login
          pipekit list clusters
          memory: 10Mi
          cpu: 10m

Used within another container

You can also use the Pipekit CLI within another container. This example Dockerfile shows how you could install the Pipekit CLI into a Jupyter notebook container:

FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook
COPY --from=pipekit13/cli /usr/local/bin/pipekit /usr/local/bin/pipekit

Pipekit CLI container Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

An SBOM for the CLI container is embedded within the container image in SPDX format. Further information is available on the SBOM page.


You need to authenticate before using the Pipekit CLI to submit workflows. This is done using your username & password, or using single sign-on (SSO), depending on how your account was created. Running the login command, you're prompted to choose one of the two mentioned methods:

$> pipekit login
? Select a login method:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Login with username and password
  Single sign-on (SSO)

After you've successfully logged in, either you provided your username and password or you've gone through the SSO pathway, selecting your identity provider and following the redirects through your browser, you should see the following message in your terminal:

successfully logged in, token expires on: 2023-02-23T12:14:52+01:00

Pipekit CLI stores your access token in your home directory, under ~/.pipekit/.

Non-Interactive Login

You can also log in non-interactively, by providing your username and password as arguments to the login command:

$> pipekit login -u username -p password


$> pipekit login --user username --password password

Alternatively, you can provide your credentials using environment variables:

export PIPEKIT_USERNAME=username
export PIPEKIT_PASSWORD=password
$> pipekit login

Submitting a workflow

To submit a workflow yaml for execution, use the submit command. Upon submission, Pipekit will run this workflow on the specified cluster; creating a new Pipe if none of the existing Pipes have the required name. Pipes can be automatically created when a workflow is submitted, in that case, they will be named after the value of Argo Workflow's generateName property. All future submissions of the workflow with the same generateName will create new runs grouped under the same Pipe.

To submit a workflow, you need to provide the path to the workflow yaml as an argument, and a list of flags, out of which only cluster-name is required, example:

$> pipekit submit --namespace staging --cluster-name=staging --pipe-name=workflowPipe -p param1=value1 -p param2=value2 ./path/to/workflow.yaml

Getting information about a run (executed workflow)

To get information about a run, use the get command. For example:

$> pipekit get run --run-uuid=6b0b0b1a-1b1a-4b1a-9b1a-1b1a1b1a1b1a
Run details:
RunUUID: b713faf9-5d7d-45cf-ae30-a63c6bcc9e3f
Status: completed
Created At: 2023-03-29 10:54:50.628945 +0000 UTC

You can also get information about a run by providing the cluster name, namespace and workflow name. In case there are multiple runs for the given workflow name, the latest one will be returned. For example:

$> pipekit get run --cluster-name=clusterA --namespace=default --workflow-name=workflowA
Run details:
RunUUID: b713faf9-5d7d-45cf-ae30-a63c6bcc9e3f
Status: completed
Created At: 2023-03-29 10:54:50.628945 +0000 UTC

Listing clusters, pipes and runs

The Pipekit CLI offers a list command that can be used to fetch and list pipekit entities, such as cluster, Pipes and runs.

Listing clusters

$> pipekit list clusters
[CLUSTER NAME]   [CLUSTER UUID]                         [ACTIVE]   [REGISTERED]
clusterB         53fe39bc-b163-4d22-8f9e-d9da3dfa0d08   true       true

Listing pipes

To list all Pipes that have at least one run on a given cluster:

$> pipekit list pipes --cluster-name=clusterB
[PIPE NAME]   [PIPE UUID]                            [ENABLED]
diamond       afba5ea5-34c1-42a3-abc3-af0aa7bd8941   true

Listing runs

To list all runs on a given cluster:

$> pipekit list runs --cluster-name=clusterB
default     diamond-m91tv   RUNNING   2h    2h         0                    http://localhost:30000/pipes/afba5ea5-34c1-42a3-abc3-af0aa7bd8941/runs/dabd11d2-730c-4d28-969f-5c6ad9007725
default     diamond-89sfy   RUNNING   2h    2h         0                    http://localhost:30000/pipes/afba5ea5-34c1-42a3-abc3-af0aa7bd8941/runs/c5e36594-d19b-477e-9fb6-9f4aadc6e8bf

Run actions

There are certain actions that can be applied to runs after the workflow is submitted, those are stop, terminate and restart.

Stop and Terminate

To stop a running workflow:

$> pipekit stop --run-uuid b6129dbf-30c2-4135-bac5-7347a1928c22

To terminate a running workflow (stop immediately without running the exit handlers):

$> pipekit terminate --run-uuid b6129dbf-30c2-4135-bac5-7347a1928c22

Both of these commands have the same flags:


To restart a run, resubmitting the workflow for execution:

$> pipekit restart --run-uuid b6129dbf-30c2-4135-bac5-7347a1928c22


Users can run the pipekit hera command to get a token to run their Hera workflows (and CronWorkflows) through Pipekit using the Pipekit Python SDK.

Use the hera command in the pipekit CLI:

$> pipekit hera
Token:   eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c

See the Pipekit Python SDK documentation for more details and examples.


To observe pod logs directly in the Pipekit CLI, use the logs command:

$> pipekit logs -r b6129dbf-30c2-4135-bac5-7347a1928c22 -p diamond-18261664 -c main -f

Logs of a given pipe run can be filtered by the pod name and container name.

Last updated