Cron Workflows

Using the Pipekit CLI with CronWorkflows

The Pipekit CLI provides create (equivalent to submit for regular workflows), delete, suspend, resume, and update commands for a CronWorkflow.

For further information about CronWorkflows, please refer to our CronWorkflow documentation.

Create and update Cron

To create a new CronWorkflow on a given cluster:

$> pipekit create cron --cluster-name=clusterB ./path/to/workflow.yaml

This will create a new CronWorkflow and a Pipe based on the CronWorkflow name (part of the metadata inside the YAML). If such a Pipe already exists, a new CronWorkflow manifest will be associated with it as well.

Note: You will not be able to create two CronWorkflows with the same name, on the same cluster, in the same namespace. You must therefore check the namespace specified in the meta part of your CronWorkflow yaml.

To update an existing CronWorkflow, on a given cluster:

$> pipekit update cron --cluster-name=clusterB ./path/to/workflow.yaml




name of the cluster to create a CronWorkflow on (required)




namespace in which the CronWorkflow is located

Delete Cron

To delete a CronWorkflow, from a given cluster, in a given namespace:

$> pipekit delete cron --cluster-name=clusterB --namespace=foo cron-wf-name

The argument passed to this command is the name of the CronWorkflow (which should correspond to the Pipe name).





name of the cluster from which to delete (required)




namespace in which the CronWorkflow is located

Suspend and resume Cron

To suspend a CronWorkflow, on a given cluster, in a given namespace:

$> pipekit suspend cron --cluster-name=clusterB --namespace=staging cron-wf-name

To resume a suspended CronWorkflow, on a given cluster, in a given namespace:

$> pipekit resume cron --cluster-name=clusterB --namespace=staging cron-wf-name

The only argument that these commands accept is the name of the CronWorkflow to suspend/resume.





name of the cluster from which to suspend (required)




namespace in which the CronWorkflow is located

Note: The only way to suspend and resume a specific CronWorkflow, on a given cluster, in a given namespace without suspending or resuming the CronWorkflows on other clusters and namespaces is to use the Pipekit CLI. The toggle for a Pipe in the Pipekit web interface will suspend and resume ALL CronWorkflows within the Pipe.

Trigger Cron

To run a CronWorkflow immediately, on a given cluster, in a given namespace:

$> pipekit trigger cron --cluster-name=clusterB --namespace=staging cron-wf-name

The only argument that this command accepts is the name of the CronWorkflow to trigger.





name of the cluster from which to suspend (required)




namespace in which the CronWorkflow is located



open the Pipekit web interface in your browser for the submitted workflow run




wait for the submitted workflow to complete

Last updated