License Key

Pipekit License Key

Pipekit will not function without a valid license key. You can obtain a license key and the associated terms by contacting us at or through your Slack support channel.

Without a valid key, users will be prevented from authenticating with Pipekit, and the Pipekit Agent will not be able to communicate with the Pipekit service.

Applying the License Key

To apply the license key, you will need to set the global.licenseKey value in your Helm Chart to the key provided by Pipekit.

Monitoring for License Expiry

The users service within the Pipekit deployment will output the number of seconds until the license expires, as a metric. You can monitor this metric to ensure that your license does not expire. Metrics for the users service are available at the /metrics endpoint of the users service on port 9090.

Example Prometheus Rules

The example below will issue a warning alert when your Pipekit license is due to expire in 30 days, and a critical alert if within 14 days. You can adjust the expr field to change the number of days before expiry that the alert is triggered.

kind: PrometheusRule
  name: pipekit-license-expiry
    - name: pipekit-license
        - alert: expiresIn90Days
            description: "The license key for your Pipekit installation will expire in less than 30 days. Please renew the license key to avoid any disruptions. Email for more information."
            summary: The Pipekit license key will expire in less than 30 days.
          expr: |-
            users_license_seconds_until_expiration / 86400 > 30
            severity: warning
        - alert: expiresIn14Days
            description: "The license key for your Pipekit installation will expire in less than 14 days. Please renew the license key to avoid any disruptions. Email for more information."
            summary: The Pipekit license key will expire in less than 14 days.
          expr: |-
            users_license_seconds_until_expiration / 86400 > 14
            severity: critical

Last updated