Self-Hosted Pipekit Helm Chart


  1. Create a local myvalues.yaml file that contains the default values.

helm repo add pipekit
helm show values pipekit/pipekit > myvalues.yaml
  1. Set up the required dependencies. Information on these can be provided over your Slack support channel, or by email at

  2. Set a valid Pipekit license key in the myvalues.yaml file.

  3. Ensure you have access to the privately-hosted images used by this chart through an appropriate imagePullSecret, or you have modified the myvalues.yaml file to use the your own copies of the images.

  4. Modify myvalues.yaml to set the values for your specific installation.

  5. Apply the Pipekit services to your Kubernetes cluster

kubectl create ns pipekit
helm upgrade -i -n pipekit \
-f myvalues.yaml \
pipekit pipekit/pipekit

Pipekit Helm Chart Values

There are other optional, configurable options within the Helm Chart. These are listed below.

Upgrading Pipekit

Checking the latest version

Pipekit is automatically published to Artifact Hub. You can use this service to configure automatic notifications of new versions, either via an RSS feed or a webhook.

Alternatively, you can search the Helm repo for the latest version of Pipekit using the following command:

# Add the repo if you don't already have it.
helm repo add pipekit
helm repo update
helm search repo pipekit/pipekit --versions

For further information on the helm search repo command, please refer to the official Helm documentation.

Changes to the default values.yaml

Prior to upgrading, you should ensure that you understand any changes to the default values.yaml and the impact those changes may have on your installation. This page is always updated with the latest available Helm chart values for Pipekit.

If you wish to upgrade to an older version of the Pipekit Helm chart, you can extract the default values for that version using the following command:

helm show values pipekit/pipekit --version [version]

The Pipekit values file is commented so you can see what each value does.

You can extract your existing values from your current installation using the following command:

helm get values pipekit -n pipekit

For further information the helm commands used above, please refer to the official Helm documentation.

Upgrading Pipekit

To upgrade Pipekit, you can use the following command:

helm upgrade -i -n pipekit \
-f myvalues.yaml \
pipekit pipekit/pipekit

For more information on using Helm to perform upgrades, please check the official Helm documentation.

Automating the upgrades using Gitops

If you use a Gitops tool such as Argo CD, you can commit your changes to your git repository and the tool will handle the Helm upgrade for you.

If you wish to automate the upgrade process, we recommend a third party tool called Renovate Bot that can be configured to automatically raise pull requests for you when a new version of Pipekit is released.

Upgrade Support

If you have an issue upgrading Pipekit that isn't addressed here, please contact us over Slack, or by email at

Last updated